...to apply to college for Fall, 2020 admission!
Today, Long Island Scholar Brandon R. (with the support of Executive Director Shawn Garrett) hit "Submit" on seven applications to NYC-area institutions of higher learning whose deadlines have not yet passed, including St. Francis College, St. Joseph's College, the University of Bridgeport, and several SUNY and CUNY schools. Here (courtesy of the College Board's Big Future program) is a list of colleges with later application deadlines for Fall, 2020 admission, ranging from March 1 all the way through August 31.
Don't procrastinate your future! We are a nonprofit organization, and our program is free. We rely on fundraising to support our efforts to guide public school families through application, financial aid, and scholarship search processes. And we are available to meet in the afternoons and evenings, on weekends, and during school vacations--at times convenient for working students and parents. Get in touch with us today: info@longislandscholars.org.